I met these two guys, and in the beginning, it was a lot of fun, a lot of beers and partying big time. I thought they liked me. At least they said they did. They lived in a big messy house outside London, and it really needed cleaning. But I didn't care. What was...
Angelica Quincy
By Angelica Quincy
Angel was placed in a Catholic school when things heated up. She fled from the school, had a lot of not-so-legal jobs, and ended up living on the streets of London selling her body to finance the next fix. Ended up in Croatia and Albania after being kidnapped by a trafficking ring.
Debra and Lenora found Angelica in Vlorë a few days after escaping the cottage where she and a dozen other girls were held prisoners. They called in the cavalry (Snyper, Goldie, Coach, Psycho, Garcia, and Rachel) and eradicated the entire league – just to find out this was only a small part of of a worldwide network that supplied wealthy and powerful people, government officials, and perverts all over the world with women and children through Internet auctions.
Angelica is working as an independent journalist and she is an expert in trafficking.
The Fatherless Kids
This is the shocking stats from U.S. Census Bureau 2021. This is to show how we can fight homelessness and crimes. This is NOT to blame single mothers! This is ONLY statistics! And it is OUR job to do something about it! The US has the highest rate of children living...
Trafficking is the fastest growing business in the world!
Fighting trafficking has become a huge issue for me. Stumbling into these dirty businesses in Albania and the UK, while searching for Angelica, was a big surprise for me. I did not know trafficking was the biggest problem the world faces today. Trafficking is going...
Stopping a Paedophile
Unfortunately, child sexual abuse is way more common than people want to believe. 8% of men and 20% of women have prior to the age of eighteen suffered some form of sexual abuse.
If you are aware and you look around you will most likely…
How to become an addict
I lost my family when I was 5. I never had a dad and I lost my sisters and my mom when our family was torn apart in 1993. I was placed in a catholic school with strangers and I missed my mom and my sisters like you won’t believe it. This is the story about The Hungry Ghost.
Human Trafficking, child labor and sex slaves.
The Wrath of an Angel This is my story about being trafficked. I was taken from London and ended up in Albania in a brothel with ten other girls for several months. Being forced to sell your body to filthy strangers is extremely humiliating. It will damage your soul...
Dear Trump
I have met a lot of men from all walks of life. I have met criminals, drug dealers, thieves, mafia bosses, soldiers and officers from many different countries, a few (corrupt) politicians and a lot of ordinary people. The vast majority of my encounters reflect pretty...